Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

No matter how late Thanksgiving is, it always seems to be early! Happy Turkey Day!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

The Flower Lady and I went out to O-hi-O last weekend, and I would have to say the Spectacular Multihued Autumnal Display is pretty much over for these latitudes, except for this beautiful sweet gum we found in the churchyard.

We went out there for a surprise Red Hat party, which turned out to be an absolute shock to the intended victim, our sister-in-law. All I can say is, I don't think I could be as gracious as she was, if 50 people showed up uninvited in my living room on a Saturday night! And before you give my brother-in-law too much credit for pulling it off: he held the party a month early.

The Flower Lady made this corsage in silks for her, in keeping with the theme. We all wore red hats in sympathy.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

"All the Leaves are Down, and the Sky is Blue"

The Flower Lady made a new wreath for fall, just in time for some very Novemberish weather. We've had wamer Thanksgivings than the day we've had today! October was certainly beautiful, though, a bit wet but still lots of sunshine through many colorful leaves (bright yellow, mainly). Now the leaves are coming down in earnest, and yours truly has commenced serious raking. Hope your coming days are spent in similarly rustic pursuits!