Sunday, November 20, 2016

The Flower Lady did a Garden Club demo in September and here's the lineup of some of the arrangements she created. A good time was had by all! 

Back in May, the FL led a class in making a "fresh-to-dry" wreath. Here it was in June:

 And here we have November:

And, in case you were wondering where I've been, I've been clearing this from the backyard with my trusty axe and bowsaw, thanks for asking.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

Monday, August 22, 2016

You Heard It Here First

Mysterious smiley face appears on man's wood pile.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Hoppy Easter!

Spring wreath:

Spring wreath with friend:

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Lazy Sunday

The Flower Lady is downstairs getting ready for a very busy week, so I will take a highly random walk
 down Blog Street.
Getting ready for Easter. The FL found some nice silks for church decorating.

That's a big leaf.

It's been a yo-yo of a winter. A few days of cold followed by warm rainy weather. But as usual I am looking forward to summer. We went down to Cape May in the fall and had some really nice sunny days. People sitting out on the beach in October.

Actually, we arrived as a hurricane was just departing; in fact, we had expected to be hunkered in for a day or two. We were relieved Cape May's "Painted Ladies" survived another storm, though as you can see high tide came up pretty far.

We lost a beech tree in our back yard. What do think, 100 years old? 150?

They had to reseed the lawn after driving a Bobcat up and down it for three days. I told them whatever they did to the lawn would be an improvement. It came up real nice.

I augmented the wood pile. We'll have some nice beech wood fires next year.

Outdoor furniture with a rustic touch.

Well, we have to end with a flower arrangement, right? This is from a floral master class the Flower Lady helped out with. You know, when those floral arteests come flouncing in and give their demos, they need a lot of help in creating complicated designs like these. All for your enjoyment!

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Almost Spring!

 Almost spring! Yes, it's time to wash the floral marbles:

Before and after:


And outside:
I'm going out to clean the pasture spring;
I'll only stop to rake the leaves away
(And wait to watch the water clear, I may);
I shan't be gone long.--You come too.

--Robert Frost

Saturday, January 23, 2016

In orbit around a mysterious planet, we cautiously begin our descent.

The terrain looks more and more rugged as we hurtle to the surface!

Seconds to impact!

We discover the surface is littered with...cookies!
The Flower Lady is baking cookies! It must be snowing.

I''ll have to get the cows in.
Landis Valley Farm Museum, Lancaster, PA
Not really. I'm not going out there. Never shovel snow unless the sun is out. Enjoy the view from inside!