Tuesday, October 30, 2012


We were, as the Flower Lady said, "spared." There are now a couple of tons of sopping wet leaves marring the greenswards of the estate, but I'm not complaining. I know this was a hybrid storm, but I'd put it at 80% nor'easter and 20% hurricane. Does this look like a tropical system to you? My brother-in-law sends it from the western provinces.

These guys flew in just before the storm, and we were able to keep the feeder out all during it. First I've seen of the snowbirds this season.

I have the day off. I usually use snow days to do taxes, but of course it's too early for that. Too bad, ha, ha. I am blogging while the FL slaves away in her underground studio, working in silks and dried materials. This is what she came up with. I said it looked like an extraterrestial life form; she said it just "evolved."

This just in: The Flower Lady reports that the life form has evolved even further! She felt the orb stuck out "like a sore thumb." Her creation now looks like this:
Well, what do you think?


  1. I'm so glad you didn't have any damage from the storm. My heart goes out to all those who were less fortunate.

    I like the second version of the "life form" best ... I'm sure it will be pretty wherever it ends up.

  2. The Flower Lady speaks ~~ Thanks for your input, I prefer the second version also & I am so happy you like it!
