Thursday, April 8, 2010

Floral Interruptus

Okay,okay, there's been another hiatus. Sorry to leave you in the middle of the last class, but-- I'm only one man here!

I had a boss who used to say "hiatus," as in "There was quite a hiatus over that one, let me tell you." What he meant was "brouhaha," or "flap," or "hullabaloo." A big disruption, things coming to a standstill, or a pretty pass, and generally ending with a lot of shouting. (Vocabulary note for the day.) Nothing like that going on on our blog, fortunately.

Here's a pic-- it's part of a vast Easter table scape that the Flower Lady put together from various elements lying around. Note the bunny at bottom. Also, the strands of palm in with the daffodils. I see I got part of my glass of wine in there, too, at left. "New wine in the Kingdom," don't you know.

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