Thursday, May 6, 2010

Not Quite Liveblogging the Flower Show!

Some of you want to know how Graduation Nite turned out. Some of you are interested in the Mother's Day class (think topiaries!) recently completed. Some of you want spring gardening tips.

But I refuse to pander, ladies and gentlemen! Herewith, a report, instead, on our vacation.

Yes, another vacation! You see, it is a well-known fact, borne out by innumerable studies, that a person needs a vacation every three months. Check with your HR department.

So, the FL and I sped off to another Undisclosed Location. I can't tell you where it is, but I will say that this year they hosted the Cape May Garden Club Flower Show. We were quite taken by the festivities and impressed by the high level of floral arranging activity.

Above, a charming table setting with pink rose arrangement.

The Flower Lady liked these miniatures, all in yellow. Perhaps because they were such a contrast to her professional avocation, the huge public arrangement.

Here's more what the FL does, below. Beautiful arrangement, and we liked the ingenious use of plastic wrap in the stem of the vase to create a bubbly appearance.

Yes, difficult lighting conditions, but nothing stops your intrepid reporter!

A final note: I wish to commend the guys and gals of the Cape May Technical High School for their enlightening exhibits and very smart uniforms!

Farewell from Vacationland!

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